Friday, June 5, 2009

A Rhodesian Ridgeback

My uncle came to visit. He's a really interesting man, and there's a lot I've learned from him in the off-and-on contact we've had. I know what parts of him I want to be like and what is not for me. Traveling, for one, is something that is really exciting and I want (need) to do more of. I want to be everywhere and see everything. Being bilingual is something I need to work on, but I feel like I'm going to flounder alone in that for a while.

Fionn Regan is a poet and a genius.

Bridget is not going to be in my house come Sunday, and that's strange. I've gotten used to having coffee with her in the mornings (and nights) and talking about life and learning about each other. If any of you don't know her or haven't fostered a relationship with her, you must. Really. You will learn so much about yourself in knowing a person like Bridget.

People are beautiful.

We are now going to go thrifting again, eat lunch with my wonderful friend Josh, and go to the Muskegon Museum of Art and Hackley Public Library. It's an adventuresome day!

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