Wednesday, June 3, 2009

On Causes.

I got Bridget sick! OH NO!
Well, there is no evidence that it was me, but she's staying at my house for the week, and I was sick last week, so I figured she picked up the germs that are still lingering on my person. No good. We made a fire yesterday to feel more cozy and watched some episodes of the Big Bang Theory.

To make up for this injustice of illness and to balance out the day of staying in, we are going thrifting today. I'm really quite excited! Kellene is going and so is Gretel and we're going to Goodwill and ValueLand. Thrift stores are a source of endless fun and it's so great to find quirky and interesting things there. Buying things used is also way more eco-friendly. Buying new clothes encourages using new resources - cutting down more trees for tags, fossil fuels for production and shipping, water usage - and also, many times one is unsure of the way their clothes are made. Buying secondhand eliminates most of these problems. Also, a lot of thrift store profits go towards good causes.

I've been thinking a lot lately about having a "cause." It seems that a lot of people find something that they are passionate about and devote themselves thoroughly to making the world better through that cause. Curing cancer or MS, the environment, helping autistic children, eliminating poverty, homelessness, education...There are so many things out there and I care about all of them. My passion is just so spread out. I did a paper on slavery this past semester and I want to devote myself to stopping human trafficking and learning about what products are made with slave labor. But then I watched Autism: the Musical and I wanted to spend the rest of my life working with autistic kids. And then there is my halfway-there obsession with being green. I don't really know what to do. One can't give all of themselves to multiple causes. I guess I'll just have to wait it out!

Anyways, I think it is time for me to leave the blog. If we have any readers, leave comments, suggestions of what you want to hear, questions - anything! This can become an interactive medium!

Later days.

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